The Crowd Reader approach is simple yet ‘oh so’ sophisticated. We use three simple steps to collect, process, and understand data, resulting in clean, actionable, and reliable results.


Collate new data from a variety of sources including emails, customer surveys, social media, and much more.


Utilise Crowd Reader brain to process, extract, and develop insights using the latest NLP and AI techniques.


Show insights in a fast, simple, user-friendly dashboard, with the ability to deep dive into themes, intensity, and sentiment.

Unlock the door to knowledge.

    • Listen to the market and understand the strengths and weaknesses

    • Is employee culture an issue? What is being said?

    • Listen to the response when changes are introduced locally, statewide, and nationally.

    • Listen to the response for each marketing campaign

    • What are people’s perception on the industry?

    • What is the general media’s sentiment towards your brand?

    • Does the market believe your brand is for them?

    • Combine feedback data and survey data with local data.

Find Out More:

Why engage with Crowd Reader?

What does Crowd Reader achieve?

A 360 Degree Analysis of the Platform.

Request a Demo.

Want to talk through how Crowd Reader can work for your business? Get in touch with us today to either chat to one of our friendly team members, or to book in a demo specific to your industry.

+64 (0) 21 860 139